21 Day Digital Course to Release, Reconnect & Renew

  • Are you always doing for others?

  • Are you ready to release control & not sweat the small things in your life?

  • Is it time to slow down and get tools to help you balance your life?

  • Try the first 3 days free.

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day 1-3 for FREE!

I created this program because I have been you...

Several years ago, I felt very stuck in my life but from the outsiders view you would not have been able to tell. I had a good upbringing, a job I enjoyed, great friends, a loving family but felt unfulfilled and lost. I kept with the day to day neglecting my feelings so it started to manifest in my body. Sometimes is was anxiety and sometimes it was complete numbness and lack of joy. Honestly, I don't remember how I stumbled onto meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques) but they allowed me time to slow down and reconnect with myself. My hope is that this program will expose you to different yogic techniques to allow you to experience this for yourself.

It's time for your health & wellness journey to begin...

Over 21 days, I invite you to be curious and openminded as you move through the program. Some of these practices may be new to you. Some of them may resonate and some may not and that's ok.

By practicing DAILY, you will become disciplined to create time for yourself in your own life. Be empowered to explore how the different types of practices make you FEEL more connected with yourself. As your energy begins to change, the energy around you will change too.

My hope is for you is to feel calm, empowered and more free as you move through the program. Emotions and stress levels change day to day but now you will have some yogic tools to shift your energy and allow you to feel what you need to release, reconnect and feel renewed.

Much love and health,


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How It Works

Release, Reconnect & Renew

21 Individual Practices

​​Each day you will have a new practice with a video describing what you will be doing for that day and why followed by your daily practice. Just click and begin.

Beginner Friendly Asana Sequences

A total of 11 yoga sequences for all levels including yin, hatha and vinyasa styles. If you have any injuries or medical conditions, please consult your physician before you begin to practice.


6 guided meditation practices to slow down, help with stress & anxiety, release what no longer serves you and reconnect with your inner knowing.


Breathing techniques to move your energy are combined with meditations, journaling or asana sequences. During the course, some days you balance your energy, other days you explore techniques to slow down and drop inward or speed up your energy if you feel stuck or sluggish.


7 journaling days combined with your asana sequences, pranayama techniques or meditations to help you develop a better understanding of yourself.

You're too busy, right??

I know, I know. Who has the time to devote to themselves? Are you thinking, "I have work, family, carpool, kid's activites, etc!" I hear you BUT I have made these short practices to fit into your lifestyle. Every day is less than 30 minutes with some being as short as 7 minutes. Choose yourself... make the shift to make your mental, physical and spiritual health a priority. Your future self will thank you.

Learn yoga tools for your 'toolbelt'.

Each day you will explore a different yoga practice to connect with your body, mind and spirit to feel what resonates best with you. My hope is you will be able to use your new yoga 'tools' after this course in your daily life to help keep you balanced.


price option <div class="editor-content"><p>FREE TRIAL</p></div>



This option will give you the first 3 days of the course free

price option <div class="editor-content"><p>FULL COURSE</p></div>



​​This option will give you access to the complete 21 day digital course for 3 months.